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    1. 11.19

      architecture design


    A restaurant about craft and artisans.
    A huge number of craftsmen around the world continue to engage in applied art from miniature to monumentalism for generations.
    A noble and fundamental kind of activity, which has come down through time and progress to the present day, almost without changing its content – this is unique. It makes you think about the infinity of creativity and creativity that drives a person.
    This project is a kind of ode to creativity.
    The bright hall of the restaurant is associated with the workshops of artists or sculptors, there are also various attributes of various crafts: malberts, on which you can exhibit your work, pedestals for sculptures, brushes, tools, ceramic dishes on tables, metal. In turn, wood and clay in the interior enhance the tactile perception of space. There is a piano in the hall, filling it with music, slowing down time.


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    70 days

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